Logo Establecimiento Público Aeropuerto Olaya Herrera

Boletín de prensa – Diciembre de 2016

Dic 26, 2016 | 2016, Noticias AOH, Prensa

ICONTEC recertified to the Public Establishment Olaya Herrera Airport the technical standards ISO and NTCGP 1000.

The certifying body recognizes Olaya’s efforts for continuous improvement and extended scope of certificates.

On December 12th, the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards, Icontec, delivered to the Public Establishment Olaya Herrera Airport, the extension of the certificate of quality with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 and NTCGP 1000, which guarantees that the entity has defined and implemented the process of providing service throughout team work to develop activities with excellence and quality.

Jesús Alberto Sánchez Restrepo, the General Manager of the Public Establishment stated that “this certificate is a reflection of the efforts that the entity is making in favor of continuous improvement, and also it ratifies the commitment of the Municipal Administration to have in each of its entities transparent management, focused on quality and excellence “.

The extension of the scope of this certificate is the result of a management with projection, which from now the entity is adjusting its object and processes in order to be able to operate and manage other airports in the future.

This certificate has validity of 3 years counted from the date of approval and the Public Establishment of the Olaya Herrera Airport must attend annual monitoring audits.

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